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Corona: Order for exemption for home delivery by online booking of grocery, fruits and vegetables through e-Swadeshee mobile app under section 144

Corona: Order for exemption for home delivery by online booking of grocery, fruits and vegetables through e-Swadeshe mobile app

Corona : Order regarding amendment of spot fines in respect of not wearing masks and sanitizers in Indore district.

Corona : Order regarding amendment of spot fines in respect of not wearing masks and sanitizers in Indore district.

Corona:Order 2424 to prohibit the sale of fruit-vegetable carts of Indore city in commercial areas and banning of fruit-vegetable mandis

Corona:Order 2424 to prohibit the sale of fruit-vegetable carts of Indore city in commercial areas and banning of fruit-vegetable mandis

Corona:Order regarding amendment of spot fines for not wearing masks and negotiating with each other under masks.

Corona:Order regarding amendment of spot fines for not wearing masks  and negotiating with each other under masks in Indore district